Prosthechea fragrans


Sturdy deep green pseudobulbs topped with pairs of stiff leaves. Pinkish mauve cattleya like flowers neatly arranged on a sturdy stem.

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Name: Prosthechea fragrans

Common name: Cockleshell orchid

Plant Description: Short mid green green pseudobulbs topped with a single stiff leaf. A small almost miniature species. Flowers emerge from a small sheath produced from the top of newly maturing growths.

Pot Size (cm): 9cm

Product height (cm): 20cm

Flowering size: Yes

Flower description: Cream coloured non resupinate cockleshell flowers (lip held uppermost).

In bud/bloom: No.

Temperature: Intermediate/Warm

Fragrance: Yes, very sweetly scented.

Method of Propagation: Division.

Grower: Kevin

Please note plants pictured are examples only.

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